While Hildegard was certainly amazing,
some other abbesses were pretty darn admirable as well.
You might want to take a look at some other very impressive abbesses at SaintsPreserved.
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Herrad of Landsberg Selfportrait from Hortus deliciarum, ca. 1180. These are the initial words of the description from the last miniature (fol.322 – 323) of the Hortus deliciarum.
Herrad of Landsberg (1125÷30 — 1195) was from 1167 – 95 abbess of the Chorfrauenstift in Hohenburg (Alsace) and is known as writer and illustrator of the “Hortus Deliciarum” (“Garden of delights”, ca. 1180), considered one of the best medieval miniature works (an encyclopedia for nuns). It contains parts of the bible, writings of the church fathers among others, as well as poetry by Herrad and others. Its 324 pages included 344 miniatures, but the original was partly destroyed in Strassburg in the German/French war of 1870.
Born about 1130 at the castle of Landsberg, the seat of a noble Alsatian family. She entered the Hohenburg Abbey in the Vosges mountains, about fifteen miles from Strasbourg, at an early age. The Hohenburg Abbey, also known as Mont St. Odile, was run by Abbess Relinda, a nun sent from the Benedictine monastery of Bergen in Bavaria to Hohenburg Abbey. Due to her support from the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa the abbey was extremely successful and powerful, as well as a source for reform. At the abbey Herrad received the most comprehensive education available to women during the 12th century. As she grew older she rose to a high position in office at the abbey, and was soon put in charge of governing and educating her fellow nuns. After Relinda’s death, Herrad was elected abbess in 1167.
As abbess, Herrad worked on rebuilding the monastery, as well as consolidating the land surrounding the monastery under its ownership. She proved herself to be a capable and well loved abbess, and it was at this time that she began her work on the Hortus Deliciarum. (source wikipedia)