Welcome to the Hildegarden. The gate is always open and we hope you’ll stroll around and enjoy the experience — so much so that you’ll want to return often, perhaps plant some seeds...
leave your footprints, share some gleanings, do some digging...take away a bouquet.
(Okay, that’s a lot of metaphors, but after all it is a “virtual” garden...)
Please help the garden grow by contributing your stories, links, observations, etc.
We can make a difference...beginning with our inner circles and expanding to the entire world and beyond.
We can continue to protect and preserve this “Cosmic Egg” ...
but even more: We can make it better. In our own way, whether it’s quiet contemplation or courageous conflict; or whether the medium is the arts or the sciences (most likely a combination) — we can do it through connections. (And yes, that word is certainly overused today, perhaps because it simply defines the zeitgeist.)
Always a work-in-progress...
please check back soon -
and send us your suggestions!
up-dated 09.06.16
Unique art, jewelry, prints, cards,
chaplets & more are available in
The HildeGarden Collection
The Cosmic Egg
The Egg of the Universe
Joyful Noise
Making Music
Random writings from random people
Saints Among Us
Celebrating people who are true “saints”, but will never be regarded as such canonically (took the powers-that-be long enough to recognize Hildegard)
Natural Wonders
In this time-lapse video, “Coral Colors,” a diverse array of coral species contract and react to external stimuli in a display that will appeal to both the fine art world and the scientific community. The artist behind the short film, NNtonio Rod, writes that he was attempting to showcase the “movement and the enormous chromatic beauty of corals.”
They remind me so much of some of Hildegard’s illuminations.
You might want to take a look at some other very impressive abbesses at SaintsPreserved.
(click on your choice)