the hildegarden at saints preserved

Welcome to the Hilegarden

Welcome to the Hildegarden. The gate is always open and we hope you’ll stroll around and enjoy the expe­ri­ence — so much so that you’ll want to return often, perhaps plant some seeds...
leave your foot­prints, share some glean­ings, do some digging...take away a bouquet.
(Okay, that’s a lot of metaphors, but after all it is a “virtual” garden...)

Please help the garden grow by contributing your stories, links, obser­va­tions, etc.
We can make a difference...beginning with our inner circles and expanding to the entire world and beyond.
We can continue to protect and preserve this “Cosmic Egg” ...
but even more: We can make it better. In our own way, whether it’s quiet contem­pla­tion or coura­geous conflict; or whether the medium is the arts or the sciences (most likely a combi­na­tion) —  we can do it through  connec­tions. (And yes, that word is certainly overused today, perhaps because it simply defines the zeitgeist.)

cleaningAlways a work-in-progress...
please check back soon -
and send us your suggestions!
up-dated 09.06.16

Unique art, jewelry, prints, cards, 
chap­lets & more are avail­able in
The HildeGarden Collection
purchase Hildegard artwork

circle4Make a connection:
Send us your sugges­tions, stories, ideas, etc.

Random writ­ings from random people

Telling it like it is

addams2Saints Among Us
Celebrating people who are true “saints”, but will never be regarded as such canon­i­cally (took the powers-that-be long enough to recog­nize Hildegard)

Peaceful Places

Natural Wonders
In this time-lapse video, “Coral Colors,” a diverse array of coral species contract and react to external stimuli in a display that will appeal to both the fine art world and the scien­tific commu­nity. The artist behind the short film, NNtonio Rod, writes that he was attempting to show­case the “move­ment and the enor­mous chro­matic beauty of corals.”
me3They remind me so much of some of Hildegard’s illuminations.

(Courtesy Earth Matters)

You might want to take a look at some other very impres­sive abbesses at SaintsPreserved.
 (click on your choice)

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